A website to celebrate Vintage Speedway events
in Australia..
This page was last updated: January 1, 2025
Guest of honour - Alan Streader with his old vintage Compact along side fellow racer and friend - Ash Kindred with his # 13 Compact.
Colin Barr and his vintage Compact.
Two star drivers of the 1960s - Peter Bowland and
Bob Pymble.
L to R : Peter Bowland ( just in shot) - Graeme Campbell - Barry Graham - Sid Middlemass - Carl Yenne at the driver's meeting.
The Pit gate and track entrance at Illabo.
Kerry Phelan's # 34 Classic midget being driven by original driver John Field.
What a great addition to our Vintage Speedway movement now - the fabulous Barry Graham in his classic # 8 midget.
Barry Graham # 8 and Harry Berry's NQ 6 classic midget.
John Campbell # 2 - Charlie Vella 82 and Sid Middlemass 54.
Sid Middlemass and the famous #54 REPCO Volvo.
Charlie Vella and his immaculate Datsun engined # 82.
Jose' Sanchez in his ex Alan Streader Holden # 34 and Harry Berry in Volvo WA5.
Harry and Jose' through turn one.
Kerry Phelan ( original instigator of the Illabo Motorsport Park) and Russell Baker with the Keith Blicharski Renault Q 96.
One of our real gems in vintage midgets the Alan Marshall Jeep # 26 owned by Cyril Robinson.
Two legendary Speedway drivers - Wayne Pearce and Carl Yenne.
Great to see Barry Graham enjoying vintage Speedway outings in retirement.
Graham Gallagher ( President) and Ross O'Brien (Secretary) of the National Vintage Classic Speedway Body present Special Guest of Honour the late
Alan Streader with a commemorative poster.
Photos this meeting by Brian Darby
Click on link below for photos from the March 2019 Vintage Bike & Car Speedway meeting at .